
A renowned researcher, Professor Baer studies creativity and innovation and all its related activities. Through his research, Baer seeks to answer four broad questions:
Problem Formulation
What are the factors that enable individuals and teams to comprehensively formulate problems?
Idea Generation
What are the factors, across all levels of analyses, that shape creativity in organizations?
Idea Selection
What are the factors that influence individuals' and teams' ability to recognize and select creative ideas?
Idea Implementation
What are the factors that allow individuals and teams to convert their ideas into new products or services?
Deichmann, D., & Baer, M. (Forthcoming). A recipe for success? Sustaining creativity among first-time creative producers. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Park, C. H., & Baer, M. (Forthcoming). Getting to the root of things: The role of epistemic motivation and construal levels in strategic problem formulation. Strategy Science.
Moungt, M., & Baer, M. (2022). CEOs' Regulatory Focus and Risk-Taking When Firms Perform Below and Above the Bar. Journal of Management, 48, 1980-2008.
Razinkas, S., Weiss, M., Hoegl, M., & Baer, M. (2022). Illuminating the opposing performance effects of stressors in innovation teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39, 351-370.
Weiss, M., Baer, M., & Hoegl, M. (2022). The human side of innovation management: Bridging the divide between the fields of innovation management and organizational behavior. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39, 283-291.
Mount, M., Baer, M., & Lupoli, M. (2021). Quantum leaps or baby steps? Psychological distance, construal level, and the propensity to invest in novel technological ideas. Strategic Management Journal, 42, 1490-1515.
Baer, M., Dane, E. I., & Madrid, H. (2021). Zoning out or breaking through? Linking daydreaming to creativity in the workplace. Academy of Management Journal, 64, 1553-1577.
Shaw, J. D., & Baer, M. (2020). "The sky is not falling" and other reactions to Tourish's wanderings. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 19, 243-246.
Gray, S. M., Knight, A. P., & Baer, M. (2020). On the emergence of collective psychological ownership in new creative teams. Organization Science, 31, 141-164.
Nadkarni, S., Gruber, M., DeCelles, K., Connelly, B., & Baer, M. (2018). New ways of seeing: Radical theorizing. “From the Editors” of the Academy of Management Journal, 61, 371–377.
Baer, M., & Shaw, J. (2017). Falling in love again with what we do: Academic craftsmanship in the management sciences. “From the Editors” of the Academy of Management Journal, 60, 1213–1217.
Brown, G., & Baer, M. (2015). Protecting the turf: The effect of territorial marking on others’ creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 1785–1797.
Kudesia, R. S, Baer, M., & Elfenbein, H. A. (2015), A wandering mind does not stray far from home: The value of metacognition in distant search. PLoS One, 10.
Baer, M., Evans, K., Oldham, G. R., & Boasso, A. (2015). The social network side of individual innovation: A meta-analysis and path-analytic integration. Organizational Psychology Review, 5, 191–223.
Knight, A. P., & Baer, M. (2014). Get up, stand up: The effects of a non-sedentary workspace on information elaboration and group performance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 910–917.
Baer, M., Vadera, A., Leenders, R. T. A. J., & Oldham, G. R. (2014). Intergroup competition as a double-edged sword: How sex composition regulates the effects of competition on group creativity. Organization Science, 25, 892–908.
Baer, M., Dirks, K. T., & Nickerson, J. A. (2013). Microfoundations of strategic problem formulation. Strategic Management Journal, 34, 197–214.
Richter, A., Hirst, G., Van Knippenberg, D., & Baer, M. (2012). Creative self-efficacy and individual creativity in team contexts: Cross-level interactions with team informational resources. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 1282–1290.
Baer, M. (2012). Putting creativity to work: The implementation of creative ideas in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 55, 1102-1119.
Montag, T., Maertz, C. P., & Baer, M. (2012). A critical analysis of the workplace creativity criterion space. Journal of Management, 38, 1362–1386.
Baer, M., & Brown, G. (2012). Blind in one eye: How psychological ownership of ideas determines the types of suggestions people adopt. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118, 60–71.
Brown, G., & Baer, M. (2011). Location in negotiation: Is there a home-field advantage? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 114, 190–200.
Dane, E. I., Baer, M., Pratt, M. G., & Oldham, G. R. (2011). Rational versus intuitive problem solving: How thinking “Off the beaten path” can stimulate creativity. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 5, 3–12.
Baer, M., Leenders, R. T. A. J., Oldham, G. R., & Vadera, A. (2010). Win or lose the battle for creativity: The power and perils of intergroup competition. Academy of Management Journal, 53, 827–845.
Baer, M. (2010). The strength-of-weak-ties perspective on creativity: A comprehensive examination and extension. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 592–601.
Baer, M., Oldham, G. R., Jacobsohn, G. C., & Hollingshead, A. B. (2008). The personality composition of teams and creativity: The moderating role of team creative confidence. Journal of Creative Behavior, 42, 255–282.
Baer, M., & Oldham, G. R. (2006). The curvilinear relation between experienced creative time pressure and creativity: Moderating effects of openness to experience and support for creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 963–970.
Van Dyck, C., Frese, M., Baer, M., & Sonnentag. S. (2005). Organizational error management culture and its impact on performance: A two-study replication. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 1228–1240.
Baer, M., Oldham, G. R., Hollingshead, A. B., & Jacobsohn, G. C. (2005). Revisiting the birth order-creativity connection: The role of sibling constellation. Creativity Research Journal, 17, 67–77.
Baer, M., Oldham, G. R., & Cummings, A. (2003). Rewarding creativity: When does it really matter? The Leadership Quarterly, 14, 569–586.
Baer, M., & Frese, M. (2003). Innovation is not enough: Climates for initiative and psychological safety, process innovations, and firm performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 45–68.
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